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Beautiful KGB female agent Ellison was a legend among international spies, she mastered many languages, was good at weapons and explosives, had a PhD in experimental chemistry. In an investigation into child trafficking cases on the border of Russia and Belarus, Ellison happened to witness a fight between XTForce warriors and heretics. The beliefs and definitions of Ellison's world were turned upside down, unable to keep calm, so Ellison decided to follow the XTForce warriors.
Unfortunately, Ellison was discovered, the XTForce sensed astounding. They found out that Ellison was activated her angelic skill herself, though she didn't know how to use it yet. Ellison was brought back to the Vatican to join the XTForce Academy. With knowledge and combat ability combining modern and ancient, Ellison was a dangerous, most unpredictable warrior in XTForce.
Special ability: Being the only hunter who can combine powerful longrange weapon with explosives, Ellison utilized the KGB-trained skills to fight. Ellison could throw 2 Bombs, each causing wide area damage to opponents.